Accumulator and Nitrogen Stands

Accumulator and Nitrogen Stands

Hydraulic accumulator is the circuit element of the hydraulic systems that collect the pressure and release such pressure into the system rapidly when needed. Hydraulic Accumulators come in 3 varieties. They have different structures and volumes but their function remains the same.

It collects the hydraulic oil and the nitrogen gas by utilizing the expansion of the bladder within the bladder accumulators. The nitrogen gas is condensed as the bladder expands when the pressurized hydraulic liquid moves towards the accumulator entrance. The pressurized liquid is collected in the accumulator. The nitrogen pressure pushes the hydraulic liquid within the accumulator and activates the system, because it is needed in case the system pressure drops and liquid collected within the accumulator depressurizes below the nitrogen pressure.

The most prominent features of the bladder accumulators are rapid reactions, high gas condensation rate and maximum flow value and also “high flow type”.

Membrane accumulators have a flexible membrane that separate the liquid and gas from each other, and is commonly preferred where low and continuous liquid need is present.

Piston accumulators are comprised of liquid reservoirs, nitrogen reservoirs and a piston that separates these reservoirs. The system collect the hydraulic liquid when the system pressure beats the nitrogen pressure; when the system pressure drops, meaning the accumulator is needed, it releases the liquid within the battery into the system as the piston is pushed by the nitrogen pressure. Commonly used in high volume systems.

Nitrogen Stands are used to boost nitrogen into the Piston accumulator. Since the piston accumulator will be used in applications that require high flow rate, it is supported by a separate nitrogen station due to the high nitrogen requirement.

Accumulator and Nitrogen Stands

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