Acrylic Gear Transfer System

Acrylic tooth transfer systems for the medical sector were developed for the automation needs of the sector.

Acrylic Gear Transfer System

Acrylic Gear Transfer System

Acrylic tooth transfer systems for the medical sector were developed for the automation needs of the sector.

Industry 4.0 and the new market expectations it introduce have forced many sectors to change and improve. Acrylic tooth sector within the medical sector is another such sector. This sector requires long cycle times and dense manpower with traditional applications, but with the robotic projects developed by HKTM for the automation needs of this sector’s production department in order to make it more flexible, these products use smart gripper systems tailor made for you. With the automatic infrastructure with automatic feeding and automatic lining systems reduces cycle times and increases operation efficiency.

Section: Mechanics Automation and Robotics Department

System: Medical Sector Applications

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