Tyre Preparation Group Systems

During the preparation process of the tyre, how appropriate the mechanical pressure is and the hydraulic continuity of the next process is important.

Tyre Preparation Group Systems

During the preparation process of the tyre, how appropriate the mechanical pressure is and the hydraulic continuity of the next process is important.

The materials that make up the tyre are blended in a large mixer until they create a black, gum-like substance. Banbury Mixers are machines used to mix the chemicals used in the rubber formulation with mechanical pressure in order to create a compound. The quality of the process carried out in this machine directly affects the product quality and process flow. All movements of the machine (Ram, Lid opening-closing, push-pull movements) are controlled via hydraulics. Rexroth A10VO series Piston Pump and Standard On-Off control directional valves are used in the hydraulic controls. In the system, Roth Bladder Accumulators are used in case of mechanical jamming.

Section: Hydromechanics Systems Department

Sector: Tyre Sector Applications

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